Home ArticlesIntegrative Health G-BOMBS: Fight Against Breast Cancer

G-BOMBS: Fight Against Breast Cancer

by Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

G-BOMBS: Fight Against Breast Cancer

Every woman can personally fight against breast cancer. Women must know they are not defenseless in the war to end breast cancer. Scientific studies show there are powerful preventive lifestyle measures to protect against breast cancer. One must not rely on mammograms for early detection as the only defense as they do not offer significant benefits. Staying slim and active, focusing on healthful natural foods, and avoiding the disease-causing foods of the Standard American Diet are strategies women can use to win the war on breast cancer.


Unleash the immune system’s special forces

As I describe in my book Super Immunity, G-BOMBS (Greens, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries, and Seeds) are the foods with the most powerful immune-boosting and anti-cancer effects. These foods help to prevent the cancerous transformation of normal cells, and keep the body armed and ready to attack any pre-cancerous or cancerous cells that may arise.

G – Greens

Green vegetables (the cruciferous family in particular) contain compounds with anti-cancer properties and substances that protect blood vessels. Cruciferous vegetables, which contain phytochemicals, inhibit a wide range of cancer-promoting cellular processes, including angiogenesis (new blood vessel growth), which is needed for tumor growth and fat tissue growth.6-9 Eating cruciferous vegetables regularly is associated with decreased risk of breast cancer and has even been shown to increase survival in women after being diagnosed with breast cancer.

It is important to also note that these greens also promote healthy vision and reduce diabetes risk.1-5

B – Beans

Beans are unique foods because of their very high levels of fiber and resistant starch; carbohydrates that are not broken down by digestive enzymes. A recent analysis of ten scientific studies has shown that the higher your fiber intake, the lower your risk of breast cancer12-17

The fiber and resistant starch in beans reduce the total number of calories absorbed from beans,10-11 reduce cholesterol levels, and are converted by healthy gut bacteria into many substances that protect against colon cancer.

O – Onions

Onions, leeks, garlic, shallots, chives, and scallions not only lend great flavor to meals, they have beneficial effects on the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as anti-diabetic and anti-cancer effects. 18-21 These vegetables are known for their characteristic (and eye-irritating) organosulfur compounds, which slow tumor growth and kill cancer cells.

Eating onions and garlic frequently is associated with reduced risk of digestive cancers.22-23 These vegetables also contain high concentrations of anti-inflammatory flavonoids – antioxidants that contribute to their anti-cancer properties.18,24-26

M – Mushrooms

In a recent Chinese study, women who ate at least 10 grams of fresh mushrooms each day (which equates to about one button mushroom per day) had a 64 percent decreased risk of breast cancer! 27 All types of mushrooms have anti-cancer properties.28-34

Plus, mushrooms are unique in that they contain aromatase inhibitors – compounds that can block the production of estrogen. Aromatase inhibitors are thought to be largely responsible for mushrooms’ preventive effects against breast cancer. Even the most commonly eaten mushrooms (white, cremini, and Portobello) have high anti-aromatase activity. 27,35-36

Mushrooms also contain powerful angiogenesis inhibitors.33,37-38 Keep in mind that mushrooms should only be eaten cooked. Several raw culinary mushrooms contain a potentially carcinogenic substance called agaritine, and cooking mushrooms significantly reduces their agaritine content.39-40

B – Berries (and Pomegranate)

Berries’ plentiful antioxidant content helps reduce blood pressure and inflammation, prevents DNA damage that leads to cancer, protects the brain against oxidative damage, and stimulates the body’s own antioxidant enzymes.41-46

Berries and pomegranate are anti-angiogenic foods and have anti-inflammatory effects that may protect against cancer and other chronic diseases.47-53 Pomegranates (similar to mushrooms) are one of the few foods that contain natural aromatase inhibitors; substances that inhibit the production of estrogen, which can reduce breast cancer risk.54

S – Seeds

Seeds and nuts are healthy fat sources that increase the absorption of nutrients in vegetables in addition to supplying their own spectrum of micronutrients including plant sterols (which help to reduce cholesterol), minerals, and antioxidants. Some seeds – sesame, chia, and flax, in particular, are rich in lignans, plant estrogens that protect against breast cancer.

In one fascinating study, women were given flaxseeds daily after being diagnosed with breast cancer, and reduced growth and increased death of their tumor cells was found after just 4-5 weeks.55

Instead of Breast Cancer Awareness, make it Breast Cancer Prevention! Eat your G-BOMBS every day!

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