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Chris A. Knobbe, MD

by Chris A. Knobbe, MD

Chris A. Knobbe, MD

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    On February 25, 2015, after four years of nutrition research and enough compelling evidence to support his hypothesis that AMD was caused by “Westernization of the diet,” Dr. Knobbe left his full-time practice of general ophthalmology to pursue full-time investigative research on this very subject. It would be nearly a year-and-a-half of intensive study, research, investigation, interviews, and writing, before he had completed his research and was ready to deliver this scientific breakthrough to the world. That message would come in the form of presentations, a scientific paper, a book, and ultimately, the founding of Cure AMD.

    The hypothesis that Dr. Knobbe would proffer holds that macular degeneration, which is the leading cause of irreversible vision loss and blindness in developed nations, is not only preventable, but treatable in the early to moderate stages, with an ancestral diet.

    Research shows us that somewhere in the range of 190 million people currently are affected by AMD, worldwide. Yet, just a century ago, the disease was an extreme medical rarity, worldwide.

    If Dr. Knobbe’s hypothesis is correct, every single patient’s macular degeneration is caused by diet. And every single case of early to moderate dry AMD is treatable with diet. That’s right, every single one.

    And now it is the goal of Dr. Knobbe, affiliated colleagues, and the Cure AMD Foundation™ team, to bring this revolutionary hypothesis and research to you, for free (we have no markup on books, and ebooks are “sold” for the cost of a credit card transaction to maintain security).

    Get In Touch

    Cure AMD Foundation
    PO Box 3768
    Boulder CO 80307 USA  

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